The Mission... (Chapter XI)

I was stunned... Our Mom and Dad were being serious... I had my suspicions but it ended up being all for the better. I needed to know if they knew where she was exactly and why we were the only two who can bring her back home...

“Where is she then?”- Sasha

“We don’t know... We just know she is alive...”- Mom

“So, how do you expect a 17 and 9 year old to find her? We thought she was dead!”- Jui

“Calm down, child. The only person who seeks that answer is you. You will find all of your answers to your questions soon. Follow the map that Jessica Steele gave you.”- Mom

“About her.... Why her?”- Sasha

“Your Sister knows all the details on why her. Did she not explain it to you?”- Mom

“She did... I just wanted you to tell me more..”- Sasha

“There is nothing more to tell, my Dear...”- Mom

Nothing more to tell? That’s a lie. They know more than they are leading on... I can tell...

“Let’s go, Sasha. It’s time for bed.”- Jui

We hugged our parents goodbye and headed back to our campsite.

——The Next Morning—— Day 17--

“Get up! We are going to start on the map this morning, I cooked us breakfast and got coffee for me and orange juice for you.”- Jui

I got up and got dressed, I checked the clock and it says it is only 5:00 AM. I’m so tired but I understand why we are starting so early. I ate breakfast and drank my juice while Jui was packing food for later. We must be doing this all day. How.... fun...

“Where are we going?”- Sasha

“Wherever this map takes us. We need to get started on it before Hannah does get hurt..”- Jui

Jui seemed upset and full of anxiety. I always wonder what goes through her mind. Is she ok?

“Are you alright?”- Sasha

“I’m fine, let’s go.”- Jui

So, off we started our early morning adventure. We began where the map said to begin which was at the bathrooms. It then took us on the trails in the woods. It was absolutely amazing. The sun beamed down through the trees like how light scatters beautifully through a diamond. It was stunning this morning. The woods smelled like the dark green grass and maple trees. The birds were chirping and flying around.

We stumbled upon an unmarked trail. We were debating it but decided to take it anyway. It wasn’t on the map but we took it anyways. We were told if there was anything unmarked, to take it.

“This trail is intense, why is it so dim when the sun was brightly lit back there?”- Jui

“I’m not sure.”- Sasha

The further we walked, the darker it got and the colder it got too. Birds weren’t flying nor were they chirping. If anything, the birds became crows. The crows started to let out loud and intensified caws, the further we went down the trail. I was scared but Jui was very into it. She loves and dreams of this stuff.

“What time is it?”- Sasha

“It’s... 12:00 PM..”- Jui

Time was lost here. Did it exist? Where were we?


The Place Where Time Doesn’t Exist... (Chapter XII)


They Knew All Along... (Chapter X)