The Place Where Time Doesn’t Exist... (Chapter XII)

Here we are.... In a dark, dreary, unknown place. How would we get back? Are we even still on Earth? This place felt so eerie I can’t even begin to explain... It was cold and everything went quiet... This forest seems… Different…. I hear them again.. The “CAW CAW!” from the Raven. It’s just one this time. It lands right in front of us… It looks at Jui…

“CAW CAW!!”- The Raven

— Jui’s Point of View --

I wasn’t sure what to make of it. What did the Raven want from me? Did Sasha notice? “CAW!” went the Raven. I guess it wants me, or us, to follow it? So, yes... we did indeed follow the raven.

The raven took us down a different path and it became quiet again. A house showed up deep in the shadows of the forest. The raven landed on my shoulder. Sasha looked concerned, not scared but concerned. I looked at the raven and asked if he had a name.

“Poe”- said the raven.

I looked confused because it just talked to me. I asked him what we were doing at this place? He cawed and flew off my shoulder as if we were to follow instead of asking questions. So we did what we needed to and kept following Poe.

We headed down the path towards the old rickety house. There was this energy... I can’t explain how dark it felt...

It was DARK ENERGY ....

The sun never rises...

The moon never falls....

Time stood still...


The Mission... (Chapter XI)