They Knew All Along... (Chapter X)

“So, Mothers know everything but couldn’t tell us anything KNOWING how distraught we were!? No, I don’t accept this at all! Then where is my Twin!? What’s going on!? REALLY!?”- Sasha

“Hush!”- Jui

“But you—“ - Sasha

“I said, hush!”- Jui

I was confused because we didn’t trust Mom and now we trust Mom AND her secret friend?? I am at a loss for words. Can I trust anyone anymore? Can I even trust Jui at this point? We still have no answers on Jorie...

It’s 12:00 AM, officially sixteen days since Hannah disappeared and I still have no answers. I’m wondering if Jui and Jorie and Mom were all in on it. Did they kill her? It wouldn’t make any sense on Jui because she was very concerned on them ending the investigation... Did Mom have something to do with that and pay the Detectives and Police Department to turn the other cheek? Is this a bribe? I want and need answers!

We didn’t get much information except on how to quietly conduct our own investigation without looking like suspects. Police hate when the victim’s family gets involved on personal investigations. I get that but this lady is still suspicious to me... We finally left at
1:00 AM and walked back to the camp site in the State Park.

“Why do we need to trust this person?”- Sasha

“Because, she’s been through this. We may not can trust her with every detail but only the details she herself can help with.”- Jui

At this point I understood what she was saying now. We are still on our own but using people for as much help as possible. Steele gave us a map of the State Park we are staying at and told us we could find answers there. We went to sleep as soon as we got back to our campsite. We were so exhausted that we didn’t even change our clothes.

——That morning, Day Sixteen—--

As I woke up this morning I noticed Jui was up making breakfast and coffee. I looked down and saw her phone lying where she had slept. I looked to see if I could see her because if I can see her then that means she can see me. So, I looked and I couldn’t see her through the crack of the opened tent door. I quickly grabbed her phone and snuggled all the way into my sleeping bag. I unlocked her phone (there was no passcode) and opened up the texts to Jorie. She wasn’t telling me anything about him and I am so worried about him...

“Call me, ASAP!”- Jui

“Hello? Me and Sasha are worried about you! Please text or call me back!” (Last night at 9:00 PM)- Jui

None, from him... He hasn’t even texted her and she has called him multiple times... Let’s see... 19 times... Wow, Jorie you are a piece of WORK!

I’m beginning to wonder if we should trust him... I know I am having confusing trust issues lately but for good reason!

“Hey! You up yet!?”- Jui

“Yea! Coming!”- Sasha

I quickly got up and put her phone back but I got up and tripped onto her side so it would seem like when I fell onto her sleeping bag I accidentally moved her phone over so she wouldn’t notice I was on it.

“Ouch!”- Sasha

“You ok?”- Jui

“Yea! Just tripped and fell and I think I fell onto your phone and it landed on my butt!”- Sasha

“Hurry!”- Jui

I quickly got up to see what she wanted me for in such a hurry this morning. There she was...

Our Mom! She came all this way? But why?
I ran up to her to hug her as she hugged me back and kissed me on top of my head.

I felt a tap on my shoulder.

“Dad!”- Sasha

I missed my Dad so much these past couple of days. I guess they came all this way to check up on us and be a family for a while. Dad cooked us hot dogs and hamburgers on the mini grill he had bought for our site. Dad also paid for our slot for two weeks. We are now staying throughout this week and Spring Break. We showed our parents the trails and the playgrounds. We had so much fun all day. We played football and baseball and tag. The only thing missing was Hannah...

At 3:00 PM we all went and showered and got ready for a nice dinner for tonight. There weren’t very many fancy diners in town so we went over to the next city that was 30 minutes away instead. We went to this nice restaurant called, “Ché” it is apparently the owner’s last name. It’s a fancy French restaurant that serves the highest quality foods and highest quality liqueurs and wines. It was so yummy!

I wanted to so badly ask Mom about her mysterious friend who is now helping us. How Mom knew we can’t remember. Were we really traumatized? Were we really snapped out of it that bad? I had so many questions for her but didn’t know how to ask. This also definitely was not the right time to ask either. After all, we were all having so much fun and enjoying each other.

When we finished up dinner we headed outside and walked down the street and enjoyed the city lights together.

The lights were so bright on this dark night. Car lights lit up white and red. You could see the traffic lights change from red to green to yellow to red like they were dancing to the music of the car engines. The streets were filled with lights that were medium sized bulbs that lit white that were hanging on by black lighting chords just zigzagging over the streets. The sidewalks had tall lamp-like white lit lights. It is so magical here. Almost like a fairytale world. Was I dreaming? No. This was definitely real and this is the most magical and peaceful experience of my life.

“Isn’t it lovely?”- Jui

“Yes, very.”- Sasha

“I am glad you two are enjoying this night. We have something to tell you two..”- Mother

“What?”- Jui and Sasha

“Should we?”- Dad

“Yes, they deserve to know...”- Mother

“Ok, then... Go ahead.”- Dad

“Hannah isn’t dead, I paid off the investigation...”- Mother

Me and Jui looked at each other with worried looks on our faces.

“Not like that...”- Mother

We both turned to her with listening faces. Concerned. Worried. Angry.

“Hannah’s case is unique, only you two can bring her home.”- Mother

I wonder what she means by that...


The Mission... (Chapter XI)


Finding Her Our Way... (Chapter IX)