My Birthday Night- Juianna-Soria (Chapter III)

This was the greatest night of my life! I got to dress up in the most elegant way with my black dress, big black curls, and my makeup was rocking! I got to see all of my family whom I haven’t seen in what seems like forever. Grandma Sorei was my most favorite surprise! I love my Grandmother very much! We are so much alike you could even say we were twins from different centuries.

Grandma Sorei has the BEST amazing stories from her childhood. I enjoy listening to her talk about her childhood, how she met Grandpa Jim (Juilome) and their wedding day. She’s so adorable:)

My birthday dinner was amazing with all the love from everyone but the fun really started when we all went back to the house to meet up with the Cousins. The Aunts and Uncles were there too but I was mostly excited to have some time with the Cousins since we are all so close in age between me and the twins (9yrs-19yrs). Jorie was older but he’s my favorite Cousin out of the bunch. We just have a lot more in common than the other Cousins. Elizabeth is my favorite from Mom’s side but I barely get to see her since she moved to England. Unfortunately, she was unable to make it to my 17th birthday.

Jorie is 19, he goes to a private college called, Western College Of Medicine located West of Ontario so he is closer than some of the other Cousins. I’m not sure what I want to do with the rest of my life yet and I’m 17 and a junior in high school. I considered Medicine but I question it. Would it be for me? Or would it be for Dad? I’m not sure...

I need to start considering other options in life. I want to be an artist but I also want to be a Veterinarian. I guess I have a year and a half to go. The Twins are almost 10 years old, I want to consider them when choosing my college I attend.

Dad says he is going to send us to a different Private school but he won’t tell me much details. I’m very Hindu so I wouldn’t mind going to a Hindu private school.

Anyways, it’s my birthday on Friday the 13th with a full blood moon tonight. I need to enjoy it and worry about careers and schools later!

We all sat around a little pit of fire that burned bright. Jorie was telling us a scary story about the woods and what was in it. I was intrigued but zoned out a couple of times because as he was telling the story, I don’t know if anyone else noticed, but every time he mentioned the mysterious monster the fire would turn blue. Blue fire means the hottest fire point. I’m not interested in monster stories but once rustling happened in the bushes, I panicked. I jumped in my skin and could just feel my bones rattle to their core. Of course, monsters aren’t real. Reality is real. So, what does that mean when people go mysteriously missing? No remains? Nothing? I’m not sure...


It’s now 3:00 AM, Sasha is screaming bloody murder and Hannah is gone....


The Morning Hannah Disappeared.... (Chapter IV)


The Night My Twin Sister Mysteriously Disappeared… (Chapter II)