The Morning Hannah Disappeared.... (Chapter IV)

It’s 3 AM and I can’t help but to scream to the loudest vocals. In my Twin’s empty bed lies nothing but a broken doll. At the age of 9, you can see why I was scared. No sheets, no pillows, no blankets... Just.... a broken doll...

The broken doll was familiar with the features. She .... it looks like my Twin, Hannah! I hide under the covers in hopes no one heard me. I finally got up to investigate the doll without touching anything on or around the bed. It’s been 30 minutes since I screamed so I assume the coast is clear..

As I am investigating the doll, I hear a soft knock and then a whisper at the door. I opened the door shakily and oh, it’s just Jui, our oldest Sister.

“What in good gracious are you yapping about at this time of night!?”- Jui

I pointed shakily at Hannah’s bed.

I started pouring out my tears uncontrollably as Jui came in closer to hug me.

“There, there.... We will figure out what is going on... I don’t think our parents heard you... Come on.”- Jui

Jui grabbed my hand as we snuck out of my room and went quietly into her room down hall. Our bedrooms are in the East wing of the house and our parents are in the West wing of the house. Our house is long horizontally so we have our section of the house and they have theirs for privacy reasons. We enjoy it so we can all do our own thing and our parents do theirs.

Jui quietly shuts her door and wakes up Jorie.

Jui *Whispers*

“Jorie, Jorie, Hannah is MISSING!”- Jui

Jorie wakes up all groggy trying to process the information he had just received. He scratches his head as his curls fluff up and he yawns. Jorie was sleeping on the fold out couch in Jui’s room. He silently swings over the covers and gets up and takes a shower. He didn’t say a word...

Me and Jui just sat silently on the end of her bed waiting for Jorie to get done. Jorie comes out all dressed in black. Black top, black pants, black socks, black shoes. He then walks over to Jui’s hat coset and grabs a black beanie. He walks out silently and goes into mine and Hannah’s room.

Jorie comes back panicking and hyperventilating as he quickly shut the door in Jui’s room. Me and Jui looked frantically and silently at each other as he makes his way back to the fold out couch. His body and hands are shaking as if he was in freezing snow with no clothes on.

Me and Jui just stare at Jorie waiting for him to talk...

“Did... Di-i-id you guys look at the doll?”- Jorie

“I did but not too much before Jui came and got me and took me here to her room to come get you.”- Sasha

“How much of it did you see—“ - Jorie

“Come on, Jorie, SPIT IT OUT!”- Jui

“I don’t think you two need to go in there...”- Jorie

Me and Jui look silently at him as we tell him with our glowing, annoyed eyes to tell us what is wrong.

“Come with me.... Stay low and stay quiet... Change into nothing but black clothes.... We must stay unseen and sneaky... Let’s go... to Sasha and Hannah’s room....”- Jorie

And that is exactly what we three did....


The Broken Doll... (Chapter V)


My Birthday Night- Juianna-Soria (Chapter III)