Psychology 210 Essay: Marcia’s Four Identity Statuses

Psychology 210 Essay Marcia’s Four Identity Statuses



Marcia's four identity statuses are identity diffusion, identity foreclosure, identity moratorium, and identity achievement. Identity diffusion is a status that characterizes people who have neither explored the options nor made a commitment to an identity. Identity foreclosure is people that have made a commitment to an identity without having to explore their options. Identity moratorium is a status that describes people who are exploring activities to attempt to find an identity but have not made a commitment yet. Identity achievement refers to those who after exploring their options have made a commitment.

When we think about identity, we often think of ourselves and who or what we identify as or what group we identify with. At a younger age, we don't make full-on commitments, especially when hitting puberty. In high school we are trying to figure out our futures and if we will go to college right out of high school or just start working. The older we start getting the more commitments we start to make but you don't always make full commitments forever. Eventually, you move on to another commitment, it's only normal as your environment starts to change and the people you hang out with start to change also. You may even start college later on in life or start sooner. You may not even go to college at all or you may attend trade school to get your foot in the door in a specific career you want. Either way, everyone makes a commitment from the options that are given and some people just don't make any commitments just yet even with the options given to them.


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