Psychology 210 Essay: Male and Female Dropout Rates Along With Race Dropout Rates

Psychology 210  Male and Female Drop-out Rates along with Race Drop-out Rates



Dropout rates are referring to the ages of 16 - 24 year-olds who do not have any type of high school or GED credentials. The drop-out rate has declined from 12% in 1990 to 7% in 2013. The drop-out rate for whites is lower than for blacks but is lower than for Hispanics. The surveys are based on civilians and noninstitutionalized populations. The survey excludes people in prisons, in the military, and other people not in households.

The rates for male drop-outs in 1990 were 12% until 2000 then it dropped down to 7% in 2013. The rate for female drop-outs in 1990 was 12% then it dropped to 10% in 2000 and then in 2012, it dropped to 6%. Between 1997 and 2012 the male drop-out rate was higher and for females, it was lower but in 2013 it ended up being minimal. Some drop-out cases for females during those times were most likely from pregnancies. Other reasons were economic status and even hazardous environments and the only way to get by was to drop out and get a GED and move out, then start working.


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