The Dreaming Bee Blog

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The Broken Doll... (Chapter V)

As me and Jui were done getting dressed, we three quietly snuck back into mine and Hannah’s room. Everything and everywhere was dark. All of the lights were turned off, including the hallway lights. We stuck together in a line linked by arms feeling our way through carefully. As we reached the bedroom door, Jorie quietly opened the door and we quietly felt through as the wooden floors creaked by each step we took. The creaking never happened before tonight. As we made it all through the door, Jui quietly closed the door and turned the knob to close it all the way through.


The room was dark and cold. Nothing like before tonight. It was 3:45 AM and the atmosphere was bleak and terrifying. Emptiness, loneliness, confusion, anger, sadness all filled the room. It wasn’t the greatest combination of feelings. I was absolutely terrified. I held on tight to Jui. She gripped my hand to reassure me it was going to be ok. Was it though? Hannah is gone and our room is dark and dreary... I wanted to be home, and our room no longer felt like home...

Jorie felt through and guided me and Jui to my bed. We three sat down onto my bed and unlocked arms. Jorie got up to grab one of Hannah’s matches from her bedside table. Hannah loved fire especially the blue fire. Her science project was about how we can make red/yellow/orange fires into blue. She then found out why fire is blue at the bottom, it’s because it’s the warmest part of the fire.

Hannah had so many matches leftover from her science project. Jorie grabbed one, lit it, and leaned closer to Hannah’s bed where the broken doll was. The broken doll was gone, and Hannah’s bed was made. When earlier, there was nothing but a mattress with a broken doll that resembled Hannah to every inch and feature.

Jorie sighed and huffed as he sat down beside us on my bed. As he looked down, he saw a trail of ... blood. We locked arms once again and grabbed four boxes of matches and followed the tiny trail of blood.

The trail of blood led us as it was in shapes of tiny doll-like feet. The trail led us down the dark and freezing hallway. As we got to the steps, they stopped leading us. There she was.... the broken doll... just ... staring at us...

There was something about her broken smile that gave me the creeps. This doll was a porcelain doll that was a look-a-like of Hannah. We froze, unsure of what to do or where to go next...

Behind the doll was a door that was never there before beside the top of the stairs where we were standing, staring, stopped in our cold, freezing, shivering steps as we held each other closer.

The doll’s head tilted at us as if it had feelings of confusion. Jorie then points as his hand and body are shaking at the doll’s forehead.

A mark?

But what could that mean?

And where did that door behind the doll come from??