The Dreaming Bee Blog

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None Of Us Can Remember... (Chapter VI)

My alarm goes off at 8:00 AM and I jump out of bed getting ready for school on this rainy Monday morning. Jui bangs on our bedroom door yelling for us to get up and get ready. I then realized Hannah wasn’t in her bed. I thought to myself she must’ve went to school early and Mom or Dad took her.

I rushed to the bathroom to brush my teeth, brush my hair, and get dressed for school. Me and Jui rush to get to school on time before the bell rings at 8:45 AM. It was 8:30 AM, we were so not going to make it on time.

As we finally arrived at school at 8:45 AM on the dot, the bell rings as we approach the parking lot. So, technically, we are tardy. We both ended up getting a pass and our teachers didn’t give us a tardy. I sat down as the Teacher greeted me with a sad hug. I was confused but let it slide.

We were learning about British history and I nodded off into a deep sleep.

I woke up within a dream. I was in the classroom but everything was foggy. It was raining outside. It was so dark outside. Yet, sunny. It was just very cloudy. Someone tapped me on the shoulder.


Everyone turns so fast to stare at me. I was so embarrassed but the nightmare I just had felt so long and so real to me.

The school bell rings and I get to my next class. Everyone was acting differently towards me today. I shrugged about it and kept moving on to the next thing. An English test. I like English but Hannah loves it. This is definitely her subject.


Wait, she wasn’t in homeroom.

She’s also not here either...

Homeroom is an extra class we get in the mornings that focuses on one subject a day so we can get extra help in each subject. All of our classes teach the same thing but differently by grade.

A student sitting behind me tapped me on the shoulder. I shuddered and jumped at the same time remembering that cold feeling from the tap in my nightmare this morning in Homeroom.

I turned around carefully not to show my emotions and she proceeds to tell me, “I’m so sorry for you guys’ loss.”

Was there something I didn’t know about? I proceeded to ask her if she has seen my Twin, Hannah, and the Teacher then interrupts us to tell us to be quiet. She was passing out the English tests for us to take.

As we ended the class by the dismissal of the bell, I quickly walked to grab Jui.

“Where is Hannah?”- Sasha

“I’m not sure but I can sense everyone starring at us in pity. Why?”- Jui

“Because, she hasn’t been in any of my classes.”- Sasha

Jui then grabs hold of me and we make our way to the girl’s single bathroom and she locks the door behind her. She tells me to hush and to whisper.

“I had a dream this morning, it was pitch black dark outside due to cloudy weather and it was storming like crazy, I was in a classroom and someone or something cold tapped my shoulder and woke me up...—“ - Jui

“The same happened to me too!”- Sasha

Jui proceeded to stare at me in pure silence. Her eyes worried, sensing something wasn’t right.

She then looks down at her watch and realizes the date, fourteen days past her 17th birthday.

She then grabs me and we head home...