The “Normal” Day... (Chapter VII)

Jui was driving super-fast to get us both home and safe. We didn’t say a word on the way home, not even having a radio playing. It was completely silent and almost eerie...

Jui is never quiet so I was very nervous. I looked out the window as the rain drops dripped down the window as the wind was making us swerve side to side. It was so ... cloudy and the clouds were getting darker and more intense. The lightning was quick, bright, and loud. Everything was making me very nauseous.

As we pulled into the driveway to our house, I noticed someone standing in our front yard in this intense storm. I rubbed my eyes and they were gone... Maybe the rain made me see things considering it’s also dark.

Jui parked the car and gave me a look of “let’s go, quietly” she didn’t even have to say it, I could just see it in her face.. It was so windy when we got out of the car. We ran into the house and went quickly upstairs to the playroom. The playroom is in the attic. This wasn’t your average attic.. It’s a massive room that is led by a pair of stairs. There are two attics. Our attic is in the right side of the house and our Parents’ attic is on the left side of the house. Again, more privacy...

Jui locked the door behind and then we sat down on the couch. She then took out her phone and called Jorie since he was the only person she could remember from the night of her birthday. He didn’t answer so she sent him a text saying, “Call me, ASAP”.

I looked at the clock on the wall and it’s only 10:00 AM. Jui got up and started pacing. I don’t know what to think at this point... Why is she THIS panicky? She looked at the clock on the wall,

“10:02 AM... I think we will be O.K. ...”- Jui

“What is going on, Jui?”- Sasha

“I’m not sure, but I don’t like how things have been playing out today... and it’s only
10:03 AM...”- Jui

“What has you so freaked out?”- Sasha

“The fact that we don’t know what happened to Hannah...”- Jui

“What do you mean?”- Sasha

“Hannah is.... missing...”- Jui

I don’t remember anything... When did she go missing?

“How do you know?”- Sasha

“Because, a Teacher told me about her this morning... How she was sorry for our loss so I asked her and she told me Hannah could possibly be dead but no one was sure but apparently she disappeared the night of my birthday and left behind blood... but I... can’t remember after going to sleep and Jorie is the only Cousin who stayed the night that night and he won’t pick up the phone...”- Jui

*Knock knock knock*

“Who’s there!?”- Jui

“Your Mother, now OPEN UP!”- Mother

Jui got up and unlocked the door but turned to give me the “shush” face for me not to say anything what we know and ... don’t remember...

“The Detectives are here to question you two.”- Mother

“Oh.. Ok..”- Jui

Jui held my hand tightly and would squeeze it every time Mom talked. We entered the living room where the Detectives sat patiently waiting on us. I was surprised Mom knew we were home and where we were even hiding. I didn’t question anything at this point though. The Detectives, however, questioned EVERYTHING.


The Investigation... (Chapter VIII)


None Of Us Can Remember... (Chapter VI)