The Dreaming Bee Blog

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The Man Who Screamed Part II - Finale

Arron was frozen with fear as he stared into the dark window at 03:00 AM...

He saw a face... It was no ordinary face... It was old and wrinkly with eyes bright green with a dark brown rim around the eye color. The hair was a bright old grey mixed with white and black tiny hairs. The lips were raw and flaky. The eyebrows were thick and pure black. The skin as pale as snow.

Arron started to squeak a little and pushing into his friend, Jimmie, who was lying next to him asleep. Jimmie rolls over to look at Arron and immediately became concerned as he saw the fear on his face... Staring at the window in the room. Jimmie then quickly sits up and looks at the window as well... He saw him... The old man... Possibly the old man who goes into the dark woods in the mornings as they walked to school everyday. 

Arron and Jimmie look at each other and decide to quietly go outside to the window. When they make it to the window, the old man was gone. Just vanished.. They quickly and quietly go back into the house and wake up their friends. They all get up and walk outside while still in their pajamas. They all walk to the back of the house where the window is and didn't see anything. They quickly went back inside the house and grabbed their flashlights. They then quickly run to the forest and there they saw him... The old man... 

They all quietly follow the old man into the woods.. The dark and eerie woods... At this point it is now 04:00 AM, Saturday....

They followed the man deep into the dark woods to this abandoned tiny cottage that looked ran down and rotted. The lights were dim and yellow. The front door creaked loudly and the floor boards creaked loudly with each step you take. We found the old standing in the middle of the living room staring at a strange picture of a young woman. The woman was beautiful and looked to be in the early 20's. We walk slowly and softly closer to the old man.. Then.. He screamed.. It was no ordinary human scream.. It was a scream you can never forget... It was loud and screeching with a sound that could cut glass smoothly as it was a high pitch... We all ran back out of the woods and into the neighborhood and back into my house and into my room upstairs. We were all freaked out and panting. We check the clock and it was 08:00 AM but it was still dark outside... I walked into my parents bedroom but they weren't there.. I searched for them but they were nowhere to be found... We checked Jimmie's home and his parents were also gone and it was still dark... The lights didn't work... We checked all the neighboring houses in our tiny neighborhood but no one was home and nothing worked... The cars were even home. We then decided to go to the neighborhood next to ours and no one was home... The cars were there but no one was home and the power was still out. Even outside was still dark... 

We headed back to my house to brainstorm and figure out what had happened... I went into the kitchen to get some water. As I was walking out of the kitchen... There she stood.. The woman from the picture in the cottage in the woods.. Her eyes glowed a bright yellow with black circuling the yellow in her eyes. Her lips red as a rose and her hair a golden blonde with white streaks...

She opened her mouth wide and it was dark... No teeth... No tongue... Just a dark and black circle...

She screamed....

I gasped and sat up... I was in my bed... I was alone... Where was everyone?

I wasn't sure what happened...

I just know nothing was a dream....

​And I was very much alone...