An Old Odyssey Article I Wrote About The War In Syria (2016)

The war in Syria is a long one, and I have been following it for years, since March 1, 2011. The Civil War is a huge mess being fought by the Syrian Government, the Syrian Democratic Forces, Syrian Arab Rebels, Salafi Jihadist groups, and ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant). Bashar al-Assad gassed and bombed his own people. It all started by protests when a boy and his friends were arrested over graffiti called, "The people want the fall of the regime" in the city of Darra, Syria. Recently, the United States launched a drone strike killing over 85 civilians, including children. Also, a rebel group beheaded a 12 year old boy accusing him of being a fighter when it turned out to be untrue and he was not a fighter. I also watched the video of the beheading, and it was very gruesome, and I wish I hadn't watched it; but I did, and I cannot unsee it now. There are many tragedies there everyday, and families leave their homes for refuge.

There are people's stories I have read that have made me sick to my stomach. One of them was when he and his wife were home, ISIS fighters came by asking him if he was a doctor, and he said yes. They asked him to come to their hospital to work for them as they have wounded fighters. He could not decline as he feared for his and his wife's life so he said, "Yes, but first give me time to pack, and I will be there tomorrow." So the ISIS fighters left and he and his wife packed up to head to Jordan that night. It was an exhausting night for them as it was a very long and hot travel. They never stopped, not even to rest. When they did rest, it was only for a couple of hours, but that did not happen often. They made it to Jordan finally and ended up here in the United States to escape fear and death. If Muslims decline the beliefs of ISIS they will be shot, beheaded, raped, sold, traded, etc. There have been weddings, parties, businesses, etc. all bombed by ISIS and by drone strikes.

Syria has the most war crimes so far. There are ways to help the Syrian families and children. I am working with Hand In Hand For Syria, and they use the money donated 100 percent towards the cause for the Syrian families and children. Their website is and they give humanitarian aid, food and water, education, WASH programs, community empowerment, etc. to help the people in Syria. Hand In Hand For Syria has been there since the conflict began in 2011. I would love to visit Syria to help, but I can help from over here by donating money, making awareness, giving medical aid containers, containers of stuff, containers of food, fundraising, etc. so I will do just that, and I hope everyone reading this article is getting educated about Syria and will help me help them too.


The Syria Campaign: The Story of Samira Souqi - Syria’s War


Syrian Emergency Task Force Virtual Fundraiser