Research Synthesis

Module 3: Research Synthesis

Frances Cramer Tatum

Arizona State University

TWC 347: Written Comm for Managers

Terri Thorson

January 19, 2024

            When it comes to issues like Covid-19, businesses looked more into alternatives such as Zoom in order to communicate and get things done remotely. For instance, schools and colleges resorted to Zoom during the Covid-19 pandemic (Zhang, et al. 2022.). This was an effective tool used for the business and teaching side of things when it came to teaching students along with the uses of WebEx and Microsoft Teams (Zhang, et al. 2022.). The research that was conducted within a CoI found that cognitive, influencing, and social presence were all effected positively (Zhang, et al. 2022.). This research investigated both business and teaching effectiveness which is great because the results showed that students are more in sync with their academics and seeing as they are the future of business and other types of working, it helps to give students a more asynchronous schedule but to also have a synchronous schedule in business meetings which still showed the results of a positive and more focused effectiveness (Zhang, et al. 2022.).

            There are people with social anxiety some severe and some just enough to make online Zoom interactions more comfortable than meeting in-person (Tissera, et al. 2023). This is because the people who are more anxious in-person can have a view of themselves from the Zoom screen but to also monitor themselves such as body language, hand gestures, etc. (Tissera, et al. 2023). However, this is not ideal for a long-term use as even socially anxious people do still need that in-person social reaction (Tissera, et al. 2023). This is more useful for first impressions with those who are or can become socially anxious when meeting someone for the first time such as team leaders or others who are in a higher leading role (Tissera, et al. 2023). However, when people are moving around it does show that there is a better cognitive function as being active does help with not only your physical wellbeing but also your cognitive function (Ramachandran. 2021).




·      Vignesh Ramachandran. 2021, February 23. Sanford Researchers Identify Four Causes for ‘Zoom Fatigue’ and their Simple Fixes. Retrieved from

·      Hasagani Tissera & Marie-Catherine Mignault. 2023, October 05. Research: Can You Tell How You Come Across on Zoom?. Retrieved from

·      Ruonan Zhang, Nicky Chang Bi, & Trinidee Mercado. 2022, September 04. Do Zoom Meetings Really Help? A Comparative Analysis of Synchronous and Asynchronous Online Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic. Retrieved from


Meeting Agenda


TWC 347: Brand Exercise