HCR 350: Intro Clinical Research - Participation Activity II

This week's reading that resonates with me is the story of Henrietta Lacks. Her story is not only history but also the future and with the ethical issues that happened to her, she changed not only medicine but also ethics, laws, regulations, and compliance. What happened to her was very wrong, having your cervical cancer cells collected and disbursed without your consent is mind-boggling. Honestly, I would be so angry and confused as to why I was treated like that as a patient who came to Johns Hopkins Hospital for help with vaginal bleeding just to have my cervical cancer cells taken from me with no recognition, no compensation for my family who has lived in poverty and to have my cancer cells mutated in multiple labs across the world. Not only that, but Johns Hopkins Hospital had also asked her children to donate their blood for further studies. Her cells changed medicine, the future, and many great things that came from her cells I just honestly wish she was more talked about and get the recognition she deserves. The assistant researcher doesn't deserve the recognition, she honestly does and her family deserves compensation as well.


HCR 350: Intro Clinical Research - Participation Activity III


HCR 350: Intro Clinical Research - Pros and Cons of Regulations