The Dreaming Bee Blog

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The Investigation... (Chapter VIII)

We sat down on the couch facing the two Detectives in the living room. The fireplace was on our right and there is a huge window behind them and the opening is to our left. The fireplace was lit and warm and Mom had laid out some fresh warm black tea for all of us to drink.

Mom sat in her chair with her ankles crossed as she sips her tea.

“So, let’s begin.”- Detective One

“Yes sir.”- Jui & Sasha

“So, the last time you two saw Hannah was 14 days ago?”- Detective Two

“Yes sir.”- Jui & Sasha

“And you two don’t know anything after that night? As in, what happened to Hannah? Any friends talking? Family? Anything? Have you two heard from her?”- Detective One

“No sir, nothing.”- Jui & Sasha

“What about Jorie? Does he know anything? Girls?”- Mother

Jui looked sweaty and hastily said, “No ma’am...”

Jui did not like where this was going... Neither did I...

“Well then, since there have been no updates on her whereabouts we will have to call this a Cold Case. She’s been missing for 14 days but she did end up leaving behind a lot of blood.”- Detective Two

“What!?”- Jui & Sasha

“Now, Children... Calm yourselves down before you make yourselves sick.”- Mother

“You guys cannot be serious about closing this case!”- Jui

“We are not closing it, we are simply ending it as a Cold Case since there have been no updates the past 14 days.”- Detective Two

“Whatever, hot or cold! You can’t just end it like this!”- Jui

“Now, Jui... You know better!”- Mother

“But Mom!”- Jui

“Jui, go to your room and take your Sister with you.”- Mother

Jui grabs my hand and takes me to mine & Hannah’s room.

“So, this is really it huh?”- Jui

“I want my Twin back!”- Sasha

“I want her back, too..”- Jui

Jui then hugs me for what seems like forever until she pulled back and whispered in my ear, “Don’t worry, me and you will find out what happened to her. I promise!”- Jui

That’s when Jui grabbed a notebook and a pen and started jotting down a plan and ideas.