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Purim and Pesach 2024

Purim: the story of Esther

Pesach: the story of Moses

• Two of the most important stories of the liberations of the Jewish people. I am sickened to see Zionists turn these beautiful stories into excuses of the genocide of the Palestinian people.

• Just remember: Hashem frowns upon those who commit unto those of which was committed to us.

• We were spared, we survived, we flourished, we were set free.

• However, we must not let the zionists take our stories and celebrations and twist them into a genocide of another people. There are Jewish Palestinians too who are fighting to be liberated and freed. This does not mean we cannot also think of and fight for our Muslim and Christian brothers and sisters along with those who do not believe. This means we continue to fight for freedom and an end to the genocide. This is what our stories are about, freedom and survival. We must not wish death and complete annhilation towards another people.

Happy Purim (3/23 - 3/24) & Happy Pesach (4/22 - 4/30)
