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London: Day Two

London: Day Two 06/09/2023

We start off with class and get appointed into separate groups of 3-4 for a debate at the end of the program. In my group, we are negative towards Universal Health Care.

We (some of us) then headed off for lunch at the Tower of London and I bought a book on Anne Boelyn and a black headband with crystals on it.

The Tower of London (White Hall PAlace) is so amazing! Walking the streets of Anne Boelyn is so magical and the fact that everyone’s stories are being told about how brutal King Henry VIII was is truly freeing. All spirits truly want is for their stories to be told. Me and a classmate then went to see the ravens and eat at the local cafe’ as they once did in the palace. The viewing of the Castle was absolutely stunning and it’s the oldest standing castle of royalty. It’s not used as you can see but it’s open to the public to tour which is still amazing to say we toured the oldest standing royal castle. I posted pictures above with the history of the palace.

We then went to view the Jack The Ripper Museum which was so amazing I do recommend!

I then had dinner at one of Gordon Ramsay’s restaurants which was down the street from our flat.

I then started working on my 3 page Health Care Policy paper for class.