The Dreaming Bee Blog

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Arizona State University: Study Abroad - London, England: Comparative Health Systems & Health Policy Independent Study

It’s officially official and I can now make this amazing and huge announcement! I got accepted into the Arizona State University Study Abroad Program! It takes place in London, England and I am more excited than I can explain! We will be studying the comparative health systems and I am still awaiting confirmation on my independent study in health policy. However, I am set on the program and other classes I will be taking over the Summer. The independent study is just an extra class I hope to be taking. Either way, we will be studying the comparative health systems in London and I am taking the law classes with ASU for Semester Summer A. A lot to explain but my Summer is going to be filled with school and focus. I went to London in the Summer of 2009 and have been wanting to go back ever since. I don’t know specifics about the program just yet, however, if I get to choose my study spots I will definitely be choosing Oxford University at their library. It’s so beautiful there and it’s mine and my Cousin’s favorite spot in London, England. I can’t wait to start this program but also to bring you all with me via my blog! This opportunity of education is huge and exciting and I cannot wait to learn more overseas!

I will bring more updates as time gets closer :)

Much love