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The Airport Horrors Are True…

It’s all over the news, TikTok, social media, EVERYWHERE. The horrors are real in the airports. I left London Heathrow at 6:00 PM on Wednesday arriving in Newark, NJ on Wednesday night at 9:00 PM. Customs was backed up and I got through at 10:15 PM. To my surprise I get a notification my flight is canceled to Houston, TX airport. “It’s ok, this happens,” I thought to myself as I walked up to the line for airline support. We all stood there for 3+ hours… Napping on our luggage for soft support as we had to get them all rechecked due to passing the U.S. border. The workers were there since 5:00 PM on Wednesday tired and exhausted as I approached them at 2:30 AM. I was the last person to help as there were still several people waiting with kids. These workers though? They are human and need sleep too. I understood that. I still couldn’t proceed though until 3:30 AM anyways to turn my bags in. So, I walked upstairs with all of my bags to see what to do and where to go. We only got compensated $45 in total for food. Which was fine at the time. I ended up sleeping on the floor using my extra jacket as a pillow and thankfully, I had two blankets with me for more support. The floor had a vent for cool air. I was so tired of being hot and sweaty. I am the only one traveling from London while my classmates made it home safely thank goodness! What I mean is, I am an online student meeting other ASU students who live in Arizona at ASU. Anyways, I slept next to several people. It looks like what you would see in an apocalypse. This is more than missing flights or having delays. We are not compensated for sleep. However, we got the food and no I can’t argue with that but we all need sleep. So, I got the next flight booked for 6:00 AM on Thursday and it got immediately canceled. So, the poor guy worked so hard getting me to Birmingham through Charlotte once he realized all the cancellations are coming from Texas. Well, it’s now delayed coming from Austin, TX. I will miss my next flight in Charlotte, NC. Everyone here in the airport is napping on the floor as we wait for our flights. There are people who haven’t lived this nightmare yet, thank goodness, bringing cheers and laughter. We need that right now. It’s such a dreary feeling today knowing half or most of us probably won’t be making it home tonight and will need to be sleeping on another airport floor and chairs and benches, whatever we can cling to for sleep tonight. I am typing all of this as it happens so I will post it when I get home. I had my phone stolen (I can laugh about that now) so I don’t have a phone and only rely on Wi-Fi for the next couple of days. My flight ended up being 1 hr and 45 minutes in a delay to Charlotte, NC and I am so nervous I won’t be going home tonight.

We landed in Charlotte, NC and I almost got a standby ticket until I said, “I am one of those from Newark just trying to get home…” The lady then helped me get an official plane seat ticket so I can make it home. I am exhausted, I have been tearing up every now and then. There was a lady back in Newark, NJ just trying to get back to her home in Africa and she broke down crying and upset with anger that she had to wait another night. I felt so bad for her, she had a standby ticket and she was told she would be going home that day. She had been in Newark for three days now, looking for day 4….

I finally made it home at 2 AM on Friday, June 30…. Sleep deprived, still confused as to where I am, my mind is still in airport mode just looking for a time and space to rest.

United Airlines got me to London with no issues but not so much getting home… American Airlines got me home!

  • Note: I am posting today July 2, 2023; I am now fully rested after sleeping for two days straight. I am finally waking up at 6 AM on my own feeling rejuvenated and energized.