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MRT #4 Technology

Frances Cramer Tatum

Arizona State University

TWC 347: Written Comm for Managers

The beneficial technology used for nonprofit organizations such as animal shelters, like my business Saving Charlotte’s Web, would be social media, instant messaging, and web content.


·      Social media: social media would benefit due to a bigger outreach. The outreach wouldn’t just be locally but around the world. We can also get more information out there with an aesthetically pleasing post on Instagram, Facebook, and X. The purpose would be to reach a bigger audience in hopes of donations, adoptions, or even volunteers. There would be policies for the use to only engage in educational posts, posts about our organization, and to ensure appropriate posts such as about our pigs, etc. We can also do lives and post videos of our organization and the work we do.



·      Instant Messaging: instant messaging would be a great benefit due to a quicker response. However, less formal but people with questions expect a quicker response via instant messaging. In the workplace, it would be more professional and it’s honestly quicker to let people know information and for you to perform a quicker response. The guidelines for in-office use and on social media instant messaging use for it to be used in a professional use only.



·      Web Content: web content is beneficial in a sense of a resume. It shows all of the content regarding the organization along with having information of ways to contact us. There are more photographs, information on the organization and the efforts we are doing, and videos. There would also be information on the creation of the organization, its officers, founders, legal, and other team members.